quotes for moms to daughters

60 Precious, Heart-Melting Quotes For Moms To Daughters

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quotes for moms to daughters

60 Precious, Heart-Melting Quotes For Moms To Daughters 

Bring more love, light, and a special closeness to your relationship with these beautiful quotes for moms to daughters. 

Maybe you’ll find a special saying that she will remember for her entire life and even repeat to her little girl someday.

Maybe you’ll find the words that fit a tough situation you just aren’t sure how to talk about.

Maybe you’ll fill her cup with all the most encouraging, empowering, and meaningful words, so that no one else can permeate her solid sense of self, love, acceptance, and strength in this life.

With this list of 60 precious, heart-melting quotes for moms to daughters, you are sure to have some quotes that speak to your heart and nurture your daughter’s soul. 

Many of these mom-daughter quotes are originals (just credit ‘low stress motherhood’ if you use them online, *wink*) while some I quote from others. 

I broke them down in groups of 10 quotes at a time: short quotes, I love you quotes, blessing quotes and more. Enjoy!

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Proud Mom Quotes For Daughter

  1. “The person you are at your core is the biggest reason I am proud to be your mother.”
  2. “You are one-of-a-kind, my love. You have the biggest heart, the best hugs, and the most infectious laugh. I am so lucky to share this life with you and so proud to call you my daughter!”
  3. “Since the day you were born, you have made me so proud to call you my daughter. I am so lucky. I love you forever and always!”
  4. “Just as you continue to grow, so does my love for you. I couldn’t be prouder of the amazing person you are today, and are growing into with each year that passes. You are amazing, my sweet daughter. Don’t ever forget it!”
  5. “There is no prouder mom than me. I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. There is no one else like you and I am so lucky to be your mother!”
  6. “When I look at your face, I can’t help but feel immense pride. You are so special, my sweet daughter. I hope you always know just how loved, celebrated, and supported you are, forever and always.”
  7. “I am your biggest fan, your forever cheerleader, your steady sounding board, your shoulder to cry on, your confidant to confide in, your friend to celebrate with. I will always be there for you, proud of you, and love you, no matter what!”
  8. “I’m not sure what I did to deserve a daughter as wonderful as you, but I know that I’ll spend my life showing you just how proud I am of you and how much I love you. ”
  9. “If ever you’re not sure of yourself, I will be here to remind you just how unique, special, and amazing you are. I am so proud of you and I’ll always be here to remind you of the reasons to be proud of yourself.”
  10. “When you aren’t feeling strong, I will be strong for you until you are strong again. When you aren’t feeling proud, I will be proud for you until you are proud again. When you aren’t feeling ready, I will be there with you until you are ready again.”

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Sweet, Short Mom-Daughter Quotes

  1. “A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, grow with, and love with all of your being.”
  2. “You are my happy place.”
  3. “You are one of my most favorite things about life.”
  4. “You are my favorite best friend.”
  5. “A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.”
  6. “A daughter’s hug has a way of soothing all the ailments of the day, month, even year, or lifetime.”
  7. “For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.” -Andrew McMahon
  8. “I may have given you the gift of life, but the true gift in this life is you.”
  9. “A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous…full of beauty and forever beautiful.” -Deanna Breisser
  10. “A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a great friend.”

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I Love My Daughter Quotes

  1. “It is impossible not to love you madly. You are magic. You are sunlight in the dark, a rainbow after the rain, a deep belly laugh after sorrow. Who you are is so lovable, and I am forever grateful to be able to love you for life!
  2. “My daughter, you are the greatest gift I have ever received. I love you more than words can ever express.”
  3. “My baby girl, you are the sunshine in my life. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.”
  4. “My sweet daughter, you are my best friend. I love you more than I ever thought possible.”
  5. “A mother’s love for her daughter is both fierce and gentle.
  6. “My amazing little girl, you bring so much joy to my heart. I love you with all of my being.”
  7. “My one and only daughter, you are the light of my life. I love you more than life itself.”
  8. “No one else will ever experience the same love a mother shares with her daughter.
  9. “My sweetest daughter, no matter what happens, I could only love you more. I love you beyond words, forever, and always.”
  10. “My baby girl, your heart, your mind, and your spirit make this world a better place. I love you to the moon and back.”

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Special Daughter Quotes

  1. “My greatest hope is that you see yourself as I see you – a unique, dynamic, amazing girl that brightens the world around her.”
  2. “Like a snowflake that can never be replicated, you are a gem in this life, unlike any other. I am so lucky to be your mom.”
  3. “No matter what life throws at you, always remember that you are special and worthy of love. Surround yourself with people who believe this, too.”
  4. “When I first laid eyes on you in that hospital bed, I knew just how special you were. Every day since then, you have blown me away with just how incredible of a human being you are. I love you to the ends of the earth, my baby girl.”
  5. “Every day, I feel like I am truly the luckiest mom alive. Thank you for filling my heart and soul with more joy, pride, and love than I could ever have imagined possible.”
  6. “Every day, I am reminded of just how special it is to have you as my daughter.”
  7. “There is no love like the love between a mother and a daughter.”
  8. “It fills my heart with joy watching you grow into your own, my amazing daughter. You are a gift to this world.”
  9. “For all the most beautiful things I have seen in this life, you are the most stunning – inside and out.”
  10. “To love and laugh with you is one of the greatest gifts of my life.”

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Mother-Daughter Bond Quotes

  1. “The mother-daughter relationship exists to teach us to love ourselves.”
  2. “There is no bond like the bond between a mother and daughter.”
  3. “When a daughter has a friend in her mother, who truly supports her, listens to her, accepts her and loves her, it is one of the most beautiful things in the world.”
  4. “No matter where life takes a daughter, her mother will always be in her heart, soul, and spirit.”
  5. “The OG ‘ride or die’ was the mother-daughter bond.”
  6. “I love how close we are and I can’t imagine my life without you, baby girl. I am so grateful to be your momma.”
  7. “The love, understanding, support, and celebration we share for one another is a work of art.”
  8. “Nothing in this whole word could ever come between us. I love you forever, my sweet daughter.”
  9. “Our bond only strengthens with time. What a beautiful gift it is to be your mother.”
  10. “Since the day you were born, I’ve only grown closer and more in love with you, my incredible baby girl. I am so lucky to know, love and laugh with you in this life.”

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Daughters Are Blessings Quotes

  1. “Daughters are a blessing, especially mine!”
  2. “You’ve been a blessing from the start, my sweet baby girl. I love you with all of my heart.”
  3. “In my daughter’s eyes I am a hero. I am strong and wise and know no fear, but the truth is plain to see, she was sent to rescue me.” – Martina Mcbride
  4. “I asked for an angel and God sent me a daughter.”
  5. “They asked for blessings and God sent daughters.”
  6. “My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along.” – Denise Van Outen
  7. “My happiest memories are those blessed moments shared with you, my incredible daughter. You have brought so much love, light, and learning into my life. I would not be the same without you.”
  8. “My hope for you is that your life is as blessed as mine became when you joined me in this life. You are my happiness, my heart, my soul, sweet girl. I love you until the end of time.”
  9. “I asked for a kinder world with more love, light, and happiness, and I was blessed with you.”
  10. “No love can fill your heart like the love of a daughter.”

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What A Mother Should Say To Her Daughter

As mothers, it is a crucial part of our job to equip our children for their inner and outer world – emotions, opinions of others, all of it – so they can live a more content life, and be resilient, kind, and confident.

We girls and women especially face so much in our lives.

Making our daughters feel loved, accepted, aware, empowered, and celebrated is how we equip them.
To do this, here are some key things mothers need to say to their daughters:
  • There’s nothing you could ever do that would make me love you any less than I do right now. I love you no matter what.
  • You are your own person. Your feelings, desires, and dreams matter. Your life is yours to define, discover, and create.
  • You get to choose how to live this life and I am excited to watch you learn, grow, and do.
  • I’m here to listen to you, support you, guide you, no matter what. I’ve got your back.
  • It’s more than okay to make mistakes, it’s human. We all make mistakes, it is part of the life journey. We must learn from them; take them as lessons for our next decisions. I have made my fair share of mistakes in life, and I’m still learning and growing.
  • You are strong and capable, even when you don’t feel that you are. It’s there inside of you, always.
  • It’s important to take care of your needs. Listen to your body, your heart, your intuition, and let those be your compass in life.
  • It’s such a gift to get to watch you grow into who you are.
  • You are so easy to love.
  • I love having you in my life.
  • You can be kind and powerful. You can be gentle and assertive. You can be authentically you, while accepting others’ differences, too.
  • We can disagree with those we love and still have a close, loving, healthy relationship.
  • I am not always right or all-knowing. I continue to learn from you and the world, as you learn from me and the world. 
  • Being a parent and being a child, is a being in a relationship. I want us to have a healthy, happy one, where you feel safe to share your thoughts and feelings, always.
It can feel scary to be so vulnerable, but when we are vulnerable, it is when we grow, heal, and find the closeness to another that we deeply seek to have. 
This kind of closeness is what moms and daughters all want to have when they love their child.
By saying these things, we also help our children understand themselves and life better, too. We help them lead healthier, more content lives. It’s a beautiful thing.

What Can I Say To Make My Daughter Feel Special?

Your daughter is such a special human being and you want her to know, to her core, that she is just one of the best, most magical humans ever. 

Here are some things that are sure to make your daughter feel very special and bring a sparkle to her smile and a tear to her eye, every time you say it:

  • “There’s no one else out there that I love so much as you.”
  • “You have a special gift, an amazing talent, and your creativity always wows me. You are incredible”
  • “I love spending time with you. You are one of my most favorite people.”
  • “You have such a strong sense of self. It’s really incredible and I admire that so much about you.”
  • “I am the luckiest mom in the world to have you as my daughter. Truly.”
  • “This world would not be the same without you in it. You are one-of-a-kind my love, one-of-a-kind.”

How Do I Uplift My Daughter?

So often as moms, it’s our instinct to immediately protect and rescue our children, even from emotions. But, doing that doesn’t truly help your child cope and move forward.
Here are 5 things you can do that will truly uplift your daughter:
  • Listen to her: Make sure you take the time to listen to your daughter and really hear what she has to say without jumping to judgement or comment.
  • Spend time with her: Spend quality time with your daughter, asking questions about her feelings and thoughts and experiences, doing activities that she enjoys and that you both can do and discover together, that will create joy and special memories.
  • Encourage her: Compliment her efforts, successes and encourage her to keep moving toward her passions and purpose.
  • Support her: Show your daughter that you are there to support her in whatever she wants to do and make sure she knows you believe in her.
  • Show your love: Let her know that you love her unconditionally, respect her, and will always be there for her, to celebrate and console her.

What Is Unconditional Love For A Daughter?

So many of the words we say become the inner voice of our children, they echo in their memories, they become deep-rooted beliefs they have about themselves, shaping the ways they feel and behave in their lives.

It is so important that we speak into our children, words that build their sense of self, so they don’t grow up feeling lost, confused, angry, unaccepted, or hopeless. And so that they can instead, spread more love and light onto others, from the love and light they have within.

Unconditional love for a daughter is a type of love that does not depend on any conditions or requirements being met. It is a love that is offered freely, simply because she is alive – a human with thoughts, dreams, desires, flaws, amazing qualities… 

It is love given without judgement or expectation. 

It is a love that sees her for all of her unique qualities and celebrates her individuality, her path, her struggles, her efforts, her life journey. 

Unconditional love for a daughter is a type of love that is resilient and stands the test of time; a lifetime. It is a love that is always there, no matter what. 

Unconditional love for a daughter is a powerful force; one of the most influential things she can experience, that can bring out the best in her, and help her grow into a confident and compassionate adult.


I hope you found some quotes that spoke to you, that you cannot wait to share with your daughter!


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