Potty-Training Pro Tips Every First-Timer Should Know

No need to bribe with candy or force sitting. And no need to drag the process out for months and months. I am going to show you how you can set a solid foundation for potty-training in the first 3 days, while keeping it peaceful and low-stress for all, so you can see success sooner. Here we go…
1. Rearrange the play area to be near the bathroom you will use for the first 3 days.

This is the starter tip of all tips. Instead of following your toddler around the house asking them if they have to go (they will most likely say no and don’t truly know what it feels like to have to go yet), keep them close to the potty all day and take potty breaks together. Potty breaks are guided and announced something like this: “Ok potty break! Run to the potty with mommy and bring your monster truck! Let’s see if anything has to come out.” Let them help set it up so they feel involved and excited.
Why play near the bathroom?
- You minimize the likelihood of accidents and frustrations when you play close to the bathroom rather than down the hall or in the next room.
- Your toddler can experience less pressure, less stress and less accidents because the distance from point A to point B, isn’t as far.
- You will have less accidents to clean all around the house.
- You will feel a sense of control and balance amongst the time and energy-consuming process of coaching your child through awareness of having to go, how to go, and fears of going.
Have a controlled area with some awesome toys and activities for them to do, remind them why you are staying near the potty, and the madness should be minimized. Remember, you guys are a team and you will get to the goal together.
Be sure to notice (maybe jot some notes) when your child usually pees or poops, and prompt them according to their natural schedule. This will get more pee and poop IN the potty while they get used to what it feels like to have to go and running to the potty.
This bathroom visual potty schedule printable can help! It works off of common times toddlers pee and poop and can motivate your child to sit on the potty.
2. Set up interesting toys and activities for them to do IN the bathroom, and alternate as needed.

During the first few days you will learn what motivates your child to sit and wait on the potty. Having activities IN the bathroom to keep your child occupied while they wait for pee or poop will help capture and keep their attention which will keep them calm and relaxed. Some activity ideas are:
- Decorate a sticker board with their name on it.
- Treasure chest unwrapping (use tissue paper and wrap puzzle pieces, place those in a cool tupperware container. Let them open and unwrap and match the puzzle pieces to the board.)
- Look up pictures of real animals on your phone or keep animal books in the bathroom for them to look through and discover cool and unusual animals.
- Blow up some balloons together.
- Talk about what they want for Christmas and write it on their wishlist.
- Set a timer and make a game of racing to the potty when the buzzer goes off.
Doing this will:
- Keep little one busy while waiting for pee and or poop to come out (heads up: sometimes when they’re just starting out, nothing happens when they sit. Tip: still celebrate the sitting and trying. This is progress!)
- Have them feeling ok, maybe even excited to sit on the potty (so they can work on a cool project).
- Allow you to avoid headaches or frustrations, including most ‘I don’t want to go to the potty!’ situations with your child.
2. Create a peace corner so they have a comforting, safe space to handle the many feelings they will have because of this potty-training process.

Most children will have many feelings about potty-training. Creating a special space just for them to handle their feelings will be a fun project to do together, and will help prepare them for the change that is going to happen. It will allow you opportunities to give them a heads about what you will be starting soon, and ask them questions about how they feel about it. Asking how they feel, whether they respond verbally or not, will allow you to read their body language and help them through their feelings. Have them help design the peace corner and stock it with calming toys and activities they will enjoy.
Ok, and lastly, let’s touch on the pre-potty prep that will set you into an informed mindset and prepare your toddler for the change:
- Give LO a heads up about what you’ll be starting 2-3 days before the act of sitting on the potty begins. Toddlers do best when they know what to expect.
- Get into a coach mindset.
- Be prepared to give extra cuddles and comforting if fears pop up.
- Clear your calendar for the first 3 days so you can be fully focused on potty-training only. Doing this will keep your time spent on potty-training, shorter overall.
- Talk to your partner about the game plan so you are both on the same page and can support one another.
3. Have your child wear only underwear on the bottom until accidents are minimal.

Having your toddler wear underwear allows them to practice the skill of pulling underwear down and up. It also helps to catch some of their accidents, gives them a sense of comfort and it minimizes frustrations because they don’t have to worry about pulling thick or heavy pants down or their underwear getting bunched up when they try to pull their pants back up.
For the first few days, it is also a good idea to have them stay off of any carpet or rugs if possible. Cleanup on tile and wood floors is much easier to manage.
For more in-depth support, complete with supply list, toddler potty eBook, and wording for tough situations, click here to download our FREE Peaceful Potty Training Cheat Sheet.
4. Tell them "take your toy with you to the potty".
Many toddlers resist going to the potty because of FOMO or because they are happily consumed playing with a toy. They don’t want to drop the fun for the not-so-fun.
Avoid any push back when prompting them by telling them to bring what they have in their hands!
99.9% of the time toddlers happily grab their toys and run to the potty. Wooohoo! Problem averted! (I’ve been potty training dozens and dozens of toddlers, including my own twin toddlers, for almost a decade here at my Montessori-inspired playschool – this stuff works!)
For more in-depth support, complete with supply list, toddler potty eBook, and wording for tough situations, click here to download our FREE Peaceful Potty Training Cheat Sheet.
5. Say "potty break!" instead of "do you have to go to the potty?"
Avoid asking. Most toddlers will say no. And the truth is, they most likely don’t have the urge awareness to really know yet. Also, they crave autonomy and control, so ‘no’ is common for them to say.
Banish asking if they have to go, and instead, try this:
“Potty break! Grab your monster jams and bring them with you! Mommy’s going too!”
If they say ‘no’, get closer, put your hand on their back or leg and say:
“Let’s try just in case. Want to take your monster jam or look up pictures of dinosaurs on mommy’s phone?”
Keep gently guiding them to the potty, especially during those first few days while they are really just getting used to all the newness.
With practice, firm guidance, and positive support, your toddler will get in the routine of this new habit in no time!
Learn how to get your toddler to recognize their urges, get a complete potty supply list, toddler potty eBook, and wording for tough situations, by clicking here to download our FREE Peaceful Potty Training Cheat Sheet. Game changer!
problem solving and planning ahead
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Watch this video on how to get started with potty-training.... (upload my BLW Class to Youtube then put here. Whenever driving traffic to the video, drive traffic here so they are on my site = to help with ads)
Your complete Potty-Training Starter Kit that includes...
- The Peaceful Potty-Training eBook For Mom
- The Toddler Potty eBook For Your Child
- What To Expect
- Overcoming Common Challenges
- Mindset Prep Checklist
- Supply List
- Exact Wording For Tough Situations
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