is baby led weaning a fad

Q&A: Is it Unsafe To Feed My Baby Purees & Do Baby Led Weaning?


I keep hearing that mixing puree feeding with baby led weaning feeding is unsafe for my baby. Is this true?


Big ‘ol FALSE!

Let me ease your mind right now with that. 

MANY MOMS come to me after hearing this from Facebook Groups that focus on the subject of baby led weaning. So why do some people believe you can’t mix purees and baby led weaning? Let’s take a closer look…

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Pediatric Feeding & Swallowing Specialist, Abbie Gacke, for an Instagram Live. She explained that eating solids is a *skill* your baby learns and masters. So, when you start your baby on purees, they are just beginning to practice this skill – chewing and swallowing. During this practice period, it can be safest to avoid chunky purees until your baby’s chewing and swallowing skills are more established.

Her recommendation with purees is to: start with *one* consistency, then build up from there, as you see their skill of chewing and swallowing, strengthen. Pediatric Feeding & Swallowing Specialist, Abbie, also mentioned that somewhere between 8 and 9 months is where babies typically begin to master their eating skills.

Read this next:

EVERYTHING You Need To Know Before Starting Solids With Baby Led Weaning

Another thing to consider, that I highly recommend, is to take an infant CPR class. Feeding babies and toddlers can have it’s risk up to 5 years old and beyond. Knowing exactly how to respond in case of an emergency will majorly put your mind at ease, and prepare you for the rare instance of choking. (CNN reports that baby led weaning does not cause more choking than traditional puree feeding.)

Now, with baby led weaning, the whole premise is to give baby soft solids in their whole food form. This again, is one consistency at a time, that baby can familiarize and practice with. 

So, overall with starting solids, whether it be a puree approach or baby led weaning approach that you take, Abbie recommends one consistency at a time until your baby is a more experienced and efficient eater. She goes on to explain that between 8-9 months of age is when babies are expected to really be perfecting their chewing and swallowing skills, which means less gagging and more ability to handle a variety of textures.

Read this next:

Choking Hazards You Need To Know About When Starting Baby Led Weaning

Remember that safety and exploration are *top* priority right now. The nutrients your baby needs is still being fulfilled by their milk (breast or formula). So, you have time! There is no stress or rush or pressure! (Unless your pediatrician has growth or development concerns otherwise. Always consult your pediatrician along the way.) 

Going slowly, allowing your baby time to practice their eating skills and allowing yourself to adjust to their eating quirks, habits and challenges, will make this process far less stressful. It will just flowwwww. And soon, your baby will be eating like you and daddy! 

I like to remind parents – the type of eater your baby starts out as (gagging, pushing food onto the floor, barely eating anything, spitting food out, making crazy faces, playing only…) is not the eater they will be in 6 months and beyond. They will grow into becoming a more seasoned eater who isn’t afraid of a variety of foods and textures!

When you’re just beginning to introduce solids with baby led weaning, let them discover and explore. And, you can model – how to chew, how to hold food, how to bring it to your mouth, etc, to help move their learning along even quicker…

Read this next:

21 Picture Examples Of How To Serve Foods For Baby Led Weaning

And as for any conflicting information you read about baby led weaning – it’s so important to surround yourself with correct information (seek reputable sources or those who glean from reputable sources) and protect yourself from personal opinions that may confuse, overwhelm or misinform you, not only for baby led weaning but all things parenthood, and heck – life.


If you’re just starting to look into baby led weaning, check out my post: ‘EVERYTHING You Need To Know Before Starting Solids With Baby Led Weaning’

This post is great for nervous mom and covers all of the need to know information for beginners including:

  • Foods to avoid
  • How to serve foods
  • Myths
  • When to start
  • What to expect
  • Feeding schedule example
  • First foods list & more. 
You can download a FREE Baby Led Weaning For Beginners Starter Guide by clicking here and inputting your name and email. We guarantee, no spam.
Best of luck on your feeding journey! Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below OR follow on Instagram to connect anytime Xx Poppy


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