6 Super Helpful Potty Training Supplies That Other Moms Swear By

potty training when to start

Getting everything together before you start potty training can keep things low stress. And, knowing what other moms use and love, can help you decide what you’ll get for your child.

Here are 6 things that moms swear by when potty training:

Potty Watch

potty training watch

potty watch can be a great way to let your toddler have some control. With the potty watch, many toddlers look forward to going to the bathroom. Instead of being told what to do by mom and dad or having to learn to listen to their body’s urges, they can listen to the watch. Potty watches are often helpful for older toddlers who prefer to exercise independence.

Moms & Tots love this one: Slim, Modern, Waterproof Smart Sensor Potty Training Watch 

Read this next: 

When To Start Potty Training Your Toddler (so it’s easier for all!)

How To Get Your Toddler To Pee And Poop IN The Potty

EVERYTHING You Need To Prepare For Potty Training

Potty Charts

potty training chart

Potty charts are extremely popular because they are 1) fun for toddlers 2) aid in motivation, and 3) make toddlers feel a sense of accomplishment. Having stickers out for them to put on a chart after each time can help keep them trying and feeling good about their efforts. Paired with high fives and timed potty breaks, potty charts can help make potty training a smoother experience.

Moms & Tots love this one: Waterproof Potty Training Chart Kit

Potty Books

potty training book

Potty books allow you to prepare your child for the changes that are to come. They can familiarize with what potty is and how to do it, before it happens, which will help make them more willing participants. Toddlers thrive in routine and struggle with change. So familiarizing them with the change of going from diapers to trying to pee and poop in the potty each time, will make the change less difficult for them (and you).

Moms & Tots love this one: Jackson Wonders, What Is Potty And Why Do We Do It? eBook

Coloring Books

potty training books

Coloring books are a fun and familiar way for toddlers to interact with more material that teaches about potty training. Having a preparatory plan can make a world of difference with how your child first reacts to starting potty training. 

In addition to having simple conversations about starting potty training soon, setting up a peace corner and involving them with setting up the bathroom for the process can help too. Coloring books are a great addition the this prep process.

Moms & Tots love this one: Sesame Street Elmo Potty Training Book Set


potty chair

Choosing a potty that will be comfortable for your toddler AND easy for you to clean and sanitize as needed, is very important. Most toddlers are fearful of the regular toilet. If this is the case with your toddler, skip the attachments for the toilet, and start with a floor potty. It’s small like they are and there are ones that are easiest to clean.

It’s important that your toddler feels comfortable on the potty and is positioned with feet flat on the floor so they can properly release. If your toddler’s feet don’t rest on the floor, consider a stool. Pooping can especially be a challenge when not sitting properly, so make sure you have the tools needed to make this happen.

Moms & Tots love this one: OXO Tot Potty With Splash Guard & Inner Bowl

Flushable Wipes

potty training wipes

You may feel that toilet paper is too rough on your baby’s bottom and/or doesn’t clean well enough. Flushable wipes can be a great solution. Throwing everything in the toilet after each use can be much easier than putting one thing in the trash bin and another thing in the toilet, all while helping your toddler with everything. To keep it as simple as possible, flushable wipes do the trick.

Moms & Tots love these: Cottonelle Flushable Toddler Wipes

Training Underwear

potty training boys

Whenever potty training, you want to get rid of pull ups and diapers during the day, while actively potty training. Make the change to underwear. This is where prepping your toddler for the change comes in huge, because this is very different than what they’ve known and felt on their bottom. Part of potty training is teaching your toddler body urge awareness with a diaper or pull-up, it is harder to recognize that.

With training underwear, you can use them at naptime or bedtime and even at the end of the day if you decide to take a break from actively potty training. Some moms also use them during potty training, to keep the mess from accidents down.

Moms & Tots love these: MooMoo Cotton Potty Training Underwear

With a combination of these helpful tools, you will be well on your way to prepared potty training, with confidence!

Which supplies do think will be most helpful and beneficial for you and your child? More Potty Training Blog Posts You’ll Love

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